Four Tips to a Better Relationship With Your Customers

Your customers are integral to your business’ success. In order to keep them coming back to purchase your product or service again, or to encourage them to refer you to someone else who could benefit from your product or service, you need to have a top notch relationship with them. Here are four quick tips to create a better relationship with your customers.

Tell your story.

People connect with stories. In fact, stories resonate so much more because we’re not just explaining what we do, we’re letting people in on why we do it and why it matters. This can help your business make that impact on a person – especially when it coincides with some of their values and what they hold important.

Use social media for conversation.

Social media provides us with an amazing opportunity to speak with those we would do business with – and in so many cases, we miss out on this opportunity because we are only using social networks to shout out about what products/services we provide and how great we are. By using these tools to actually listen to and converse with our customers, we get the chance to learn why they like what we offer and what we can do to improve.

Tweak your email experience.

A canned response to a customer placing an order or making an inquiry can often get lost in the noise. But a unique response that they haven’t heard before will stand out. After the product or service has been delivered, an email followup that invites the customer to let you know if they are satisfied or if there was anything that you could have done to improve the experience can often lead to more conversation with the customer.

Always act with integrity and good ethics.

In this day and age, if a company (or a person) acts in a way that is unbecoming, immoral, unethical, or even just plain mean, it will often come back and haunt them when they least expect it. We can expect that nothing we do these days will remain out of public scrutiny. If nothing else encourages you to treat everyone and everything with respect, this possibility should.

What do you think? How have you had success in creating a better relationship with your customers?

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